
Showing posts from May, 2022

I love unconditionally!

A lot of people are fear to say love. Because the majority think that love can be said to be a marriage idea only, for a women or man. That is why people are so afraid of the word of " LOVE "  But love is a precious feeling that goes far beyond that. Then " LOVE " is a Majic word. There have been countless places in my life where I have thought of love without any selfishness. There are plenty of places where I have heard of such love. That word can do.               Really love & sharing love is very loving. This is a quarter that love is merge. It is a time when we suffer emotionally.  That is why we share love to be a little comforting. " LOVE " That word can hold us tight in places where we break down mentally.   So, I love unconditionally!  To everyone, every day!                                            ...