Dr. S.Panibharatha

 There are many great artists who have developed Sri Lankan dance & taken traditional dance to the world in search of new avenues of dance. They did a great job of preserving the Sri Lankan traditional dance. Dr. S Panibharatha is one of the artists who contributed to the advancement of traditional dance.

Mr.Panibharatha was born on 24th February 1920 in Hathara Koralaya. His father was 'Pabanis'. he had an elder sister, three younger brothers and one younger sister. As a child he was called 'Panis'. 

He learned Kandyan dance from Algama Kiriganitha Gurunnance. He mastered the drumming with Punchi Kira Gurunnance. He learned a lot , not only about Kandyan dances but also about Low country & Sabaragamu dance traditions. He also excelled in painting , sculpture & medicine. 

He was the drummer of Mrs. Chandralekha perera who was a very talented dancer at that time. In 1944 he went to study at Shanthi Nikethan University in India. There he also learned about Kathakali & Manipuri dance traditions and instrument such as Mrudangam , Pakwaj & Kol. He had the opportunity to act in plays by Mr. Rabindranath Tagore and awarded the title of " Panibharatha".

First he worked as a teacher and later as a lecturer at the Mirigama Teachers College. In 1952 he became the Principal of the Dance Division of the Government Fine Arts Institute. Later he became the head of the Department of Dance studies at the Institute of Aesthetic Studies.

When Queen Elizabeth visited Sri Lanka in 1954, he performed dances in front of her. Mr. Panibharatha created the 'Goyam dance , Peacock dance & Narilatha dance'. He also choreographed for dramas such as ' Sirisagabo , Kurulu Bedda , Ashoka , Wessanthara , Hasthikantha & Mantharaya'. 

He also made an invaluable contribution to the art of Sri Lankan ballet and created many ballet plays such as ' Bathe Upatha , Sathpathini , Porapolpitiya , Kochchiya , Sigiri Asnaya & Diththamangalika. 

I respectfully recall his invaluable service to Sri Lankan traditionl dance , Ballet , Drama & film.



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